Green Area Chamber of Commerce Events
The Green Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a diverse array of events throughout the year. Our events are centered on connecting members, business leaders and individuals across Green, as well as stimulating specific industries through our signature events. Our calendar will keep you posted on Chamber happenings as well as events taking place throughout the Green Area community.
Signature Events:
- Chamber Golf Outing
- Casino Night at MAPS
- Small Business Saturday
Link’d Up!
CAK Safety Council Meeting
GYP Event!
Link’d Up!
Link’d Up!
CAK Safety Council Meeting
Link’d Up!
Link’d Up!
CAK Safety Council Meeting
Small Business Saturday – Nov 30th!
Link’d Up!
CAK Safety Council Meeting
Green Area Chamber of Commerce Events
The Green Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a diverse array of events throughout the year. Our events are centered on connecting members, business leaders and individuals across Green, as well as stimulating specific industries through our signature events. Our calendar will keep you posted on Chamber happenings as well as events taking place throughout the Green Area community.
Signature Events:
- Annual Chamber Golf Outing
- Casino Night at MAPS
Leading Business Growth. The Green Area Chamber of Commerce delivers benefit to the community by leading in the promotion of economic growth, advocating for the interests of business, and providing service and educational opportunities that help our members grow.
Contact Information
A: 4735 Massillon Rd #459, Green, Ohio 44232
Contact Information
P: 330-896-3023
A: PO Box, Green
Leading Business Growth. The Green Area Chamber of Commerce delivers benefit to the community by leading in the promotion of economic growth, advocating for the interests of business, and providing service and educational opportunities that help our members grow.
Contact Information
P: 330-552-5056
A: 4735 Massillon Rd #459, Green, Ohio 44232