Small Business Saturday – Nov 30th!

68¢ cents for every $1 stays in the community when spent at a local business. Please join The City of Green & us once again in supporting our local businesses on Shop Small Saturday! Just like last year, anyone who submits a receipt (dated 11/30/2024) from one of the participating businesses (Green locations) by Dec. 2 will be entered to win one of several very nice baskets of local gift cards & goods! Note: if they are not open on that Saturday, a receipt from the week of Thanksgiving, Monday-Friday, will be accepted. Stay tuned to our email blasts, social media, our website, in our Mimi Magazine ad, our South Side News Leader ad, and the City of Green’s email blasts and social media!

Thank you to the City of Green and the Green Branch Library for sponsoring this event!


Nov 30 2024


All Day